When You Give To Missions
You Change The World
Unified Missions Offering (UMO)
It has been said that missions are the ‘heartbeat of God.’
This is why we feel supporting missionaries in Oklahoma, across the United States, and around the world is so important.
Every year we ask our church family to pray about what God would have them to give to support state missions through the Edna McMillian Offering for state missions, North American Missions through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, and the International Missions through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. We also have a passion for two other ministries: the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children, and the Care Closet which is the food and clothing ministry of RPBC.
The Unified Missions offering was created to help the families of RPBC to more easily support these mission opportunities by allowing people to give a smaller amount monthly instead of one large amount at specific times throughout the year. At the end of each year, the UMO is divided this way:
50% to International Missions
20% to North American Missions
10% to Oklahoma State Missions
10% to the Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children
10% to the Care Closet ministry of RPBC.
To participate in the Unified Missions Offering of RPBC, mark ‘UMO’ next to the Missions line on an offering envelope or on your check.