New to Regency Park?
Visiting a church for the first time can be uncomfortable, but to help reduce your anxiety, here is a quick summary of what you can expect at Regency Park.
Visiting guest parking is located next to the building, just the north of our front doors (to your right as you enter the parking lot.) Handicap parking is located next to the building to the south (to your left as you enter the parking lot.) Valet parking is also available. Park your car in front of the church by the ‘Valet Parking’ signs, and one of the greeters will park your car and return your keys to you.
We’re more concerned with getting to know you than how you’re dressed. You will see some of our people dressed in business casual, while others will be wearing jeans.
Adult Community Group Bible Studies and children’s Sunday School begins at 9:30, and our worship service starts at 10:45 on Sunday mornings. Arriving 10 minutes early will give you plenty of time to meet someone in our foyer who can direct you to a community group or to the worship center.
From babies to teenagers, we have something for your kids. Our Sunday School classes are tailored to each age group lead by loving volunteers and staff.
Someone from our church will direct you to our nursery, children’s, or youth area. Children up to preschool will learn and play in the nursery where they will be provided with snacks and have access to a fenced-in playground. Kindergarten through 6th grade will learn Bible stories and spiritual truths from caring teachers using both traditional teaching methods and videos. You will need to be pick up your children who are in Kindergarten and above after their class is over at 10:30 and come together as a family in our sanctuary. Together you can enjoy the music portion of the service and the children will then be dismissed for children’s church every Sunday except the first Sunday of the month.
For your child’s safety, we will keep the nursery’s door locked during our services. During your child’s check-in, you will be given an individual code to always have access to your children.
For more information about our nursery, children, and youth ministries, please visit our ministries page.
If you need transportation to our services, please call the church office at 794-3507 to be added to our list of scheduled stops.