Regency Park Baptist Church is an active and voluntary participant
in the cooperative mission efforts of the
Union Baptist Association,
Oklahoma Baptists,
and Great Commission Baptist (Formerly Southern Baptist Convention).
Union Baptist Association
There are over 60 Baptist churches in Cleveland and McClain Counties that cooperate to start new churches and assist one another in missions, evangelism and training.
Oklahoma Baptists
There are over 1,600 cooperating Baptist Churches of Oklahoma who join hearts and resources to do missions and evangelism and to provide numerous other services to people which we could not offer without cooperative efforts.
Great Commission Baptist
The more than 40,000 churches cooperate together in a worldwide effort of missions, both across the U.S. and around the world.
It is the LARGEST association of Christian churches in Oklahoma and in America. One out of every 10 churches in America is affiliated with the GCB (40,000 churches and 15 million members – more than most other denominations combined).
It is the MOST diverse association of churches. GCB churches include every race, nationality, and ethnic group. Each Sunday, services are held in over 80 languages in the U.S. One out of every three African-Americans in the U.S. is a Great Commission Baptist.
It is one of the FASTEST GROWING groups. The GCB baptizes over 1,000 new Christians a day in the U.S. and begins nearly FOUR new churches every day!
Every GBC church is completely independent. There is no denominational control or hierarchy, as there is in most other denominations. Each church is self-governed and determines its own affairs. For example:
Every GBC church chooses its own pastor.
Every GBC church owns its buildings and assets.
Every GBC church determines its own programs.
It allows our church to participate in the largest missionary organization in the world. Through the GBC "Cooperative Program," we help support over 7,500 missionaries in 150 countries around the world.